Legislative Links

2016 Legislative Session Funding

During the 2016 Legislative Session, all 8 Centers for Independent Living requested an increase in funding. We have been working without an increase since 2008. We went to the Capital to speak with and testify in front of the legislature and all of us worked with our local representation to bring them the stories of how Centers for Independent Living have improved lives, saved State dollars and all of the amazing work we all do. We thank the following legislators for their advocacy to get this funding passed!

Access North holds
Legislative Recognition Ceremony

photo of Don Brunette, Corporal Jon Schneider and Senator David Tomassoni
Pictured above is Executive Director Don Brunette,
Corporal Jon Schneider and Sen. David Tomassoni.

Access North Center for Independent Living of NE MN recently held a Recognition Ceremony at their main office in Hibbing to recognize the efforts of Sen. Tomassoni and Marine Corporal Schneider for their efforts in advocating for CILs in Minnesota.
Corporal Schneider testified in front of both houses telling his story of homelessness and how CIL staff helped Jon make a fresh start. His story was quite touching and was well received in the legislature.
SMILES Recognizes
Legislative Efforts

photo of Don Brunette, Corporal Jon Schneider and Senator David Tomassoni
SMILES was pleased to recognize
Representative Bob Gunther for his legislative efforts on behalf of Centers for Independent Living and the individuals, families, and communities they serve.

The presentation was made on September 6, 2016 at the SMILES’ office in Fairmont. Pictured with Representative Gunther are Alan Augustin, CEO of SMILES Center for Independent Living and Amber Elliott, SMILES’ Fairmont Branch Manager.
Independent Lifestyles Presents
Legislative Awards

photo of Representative Gunther, Alan Augustin and Amber Elliott
Pictured above is Representative Tama Thies, Representative Jim Knoblach, Senator Michelle Fishback and Cara Ruff, Executive Director during the presentation of the awards.

All of the legislators talked about how GREAT Centers for Independent Living are and the amazing and cost effective work that we do!.